Letting Go of Fear and Limitation

This class is for you if you are ready to release and transform your fears, worries or doubts. 

During this profound 2 part on-demand video class you will;

  • Receive multiple energy calibrations. 
  • Learn how to cultivate and activate the frequency of trust, which is the opposite of fear.  
  • Transform collective and personal beliefs that are no longer aligned with your best life
  • Transform unnatural yet common beliefs that you are not worthy, you are not safe, you are not enough. 

"I just wanted to thank you again for putting on the recent class "Letting go of Fear and Limitation."  After week one, I felt so much lighter and found that I naturally wanted to do so many of the things I'd been thinking about doing, but never did - and it was fun, easy, and rewarding.  I had never realized how many places fear was impacting my life, but after your classes I could feel the absence of fear and resistance. Instead, I was now experiencing ease.

After the second session, I felt so much bigger, ready and able to live a bigger version of me.  There was a part when you talked about us being able to stand face to face with what we call God - that was a profound moment for me.  For if we are all such beautiful beings - that we can stand in that space - then everything else we tell ourselves or people tell us that limits us, hurts us, worries us - or baggage that we carry - isn't real. 

I found myself wishing every person I loved and every person here could feel this shift.  I feel so honored to be a part of the new energy taking place. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU beautiful person - I couldn't be more grateful."

- Mitzi H.

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 Letting Go of Fear and Limitation On Demand Class
 $ 89.00 USD

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